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Maybe you did’nt need him as much as you thought you did, when it was over you cried like the rain just so the world could feel yout pain.You really did feel lost without him, but now that he is gone you not gonna look back, and when you realised you were probably better off whitout him..Was the best thing you ever did,he really was your everything…Maybe now he knows he’s lost his biggest fan.

You remember all the times you wished you never met him cause sometimes you still think it. So now your still left reaching for that one boy to prove your wrong and show you they’re not all the same. Maybe you stilll think about him… but what difference would it make??Even though you miss those days when he would just phone you for no reason ,send you all those texts that you found so hard to delete,put a smile on your face when no one else could. And even if it was him who made you cry, he seemed to be the only one who could make stop.

You still think about what went so wrong even though it’s too late,When he said forever you were stupid enough to believe him..so your left thinking when he said he loved you,did he ever really mean it?? Thats when you remember nothing last forever! You remember how it all started,even though you try to forget.

It’s so hard when you see him,sometimes you have to remind yourself your not together..

Why does something so perfect always have to come to an end it was just another mistake, it's a shame you never learn though mabye next time you will get your fairytale endning,just not this time.

Just remember everything happens for a reason.There’s so many things i could say,but i know you’d just walk away.I miss your smile,but i miss mine the most.No matter how much i did’t believe it,i guess i know now we just wern’t meant to be.Giving up doesn’t always mean you weak..sometimes it means you strong enough to let go…You promised me so many things,but you forgot one thing…to keep them..

I hope the day you look back on this, is the day you realise what you had….

// Jess

Postat av: Anonym

ser att du tagit typ halva texten av en låt. LOL

2010-04-22 @ 21:43:07

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